Thursday 29 May 2014


In the poem captivity I try to compare and align the first feeling in every rosy relationship especially erotic relations to that of being imprisoned. I try to use contrasting symbols and allusions to represent the illusions of relationships. “imprisoned” as connotatively used doesn’t only refer to a physical confinement but also refers to the mental, emotional and psychological restrictions and limitations that we sometimes consciously or unconsciously  subscribe to. We often do not notice these limitations until time reveals them to us, then we begin to appreciate life in the reverse order.

I dedicate this poem to all who have at one point of their lives found themselves so madly in relationships that made them feel as though nothing better could ever happen to them. This is to those who by virtue of their being in relationships felt there couldn’t be a substitute to what they had and that there couldn’t be an option. I dedicate this to all those who will find themselves in relationships and lose the consciousness of the reality around them.I dedicate this to all my ‘lover’ boys and my ‘loved’ girls. This is specially made for you, Akanlisi Donatus; a brother from another mother, a fashion freak and a very supportive friend from whom I learnt a lot during my High school days.You inspired this work unconsciously and I am grateful.


For no reason I found myself in “prison”
To serve an indefinite sentence for no criminal reason
And treated as though I committed a high treason
But that supposedly was rather a romantic season
My accomplices, history says Adam is a pioneer
and the story of Romeo and Juliet, a souvenir

I recorded in a page
all the sweet pains and torments under the “bondage”
I opted and sought to be a native
but rather I was made a captive
Did not suffer insomnia yet had sleepless nights
and there, I was deprived of my personal rights
My libido was as well robbed and monopolized 

Not until the “prison broke lose,
all its stinking odour remained fragrance,
its leaking roof I considered showers of blessing.
In its deplorable state, I felt in paradise,
its fallacies I took for factual facts.
Not until diminishing marginal utility set in,
I had no sense of my own to admire
There was nothing more my heart could desire
Could it then be a crime to love?
Why must I then be caged like a dove,
if it so fortunately happens?

pdwedam 2010.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So powerful
U do all bro