Tuesday 2 April 2013


            Before I got to know the numerous challenges females face by virtue of their sex status, I had always wished to be a female, dreamt of being a female and did everything just like a girl. Though my physical morphology was obvious I was not, I posed as one but my name usually betrayed me.I’m sure if it were today, I would be branded a gay for those traits I exhibited at the time of my desperation. I simply loved the way they’re honored, the privilege of being called and invited by the opposite sex and the discretionary powers they have, either  to give in to a proposal or not. The adoration and idolization accorded them in such “political” seasons made me feel discriminated, thus envious. Political because the opposite sex who admires a lady and wants her will definitely behave like a politician who desires a position. Approaching the lady, be it by calling her or inviting her over to a place in all its aspects is like organizing a “rally” where you get her attention to tell her your plan of action or read your manifesto (what you will do when you’re given the nod).Then after, she will use her discretion just like a Ghanaian voter would on 7 December in an election year. I must confess that, the closest I ever come to such honors and privileges is always situational, either a lady has lost her way or a lady classmate wants some sort of academic assistance .Even in such instances, it turns to be the opposite because I treat them as though I wanted their service. The least said of girl child education, the best to sooth my jealousy .In fact, dying and coming back a lady was all I prayed for.
            As I came closer and closer to more and more ladies, my desire began to depreciate becoming fainter and fainter. It all began when I discovered that as a lady you suffer from what I call “chronic or acute hemorrhage”; a frequent spill of blood through their “exit”. I had learnt this way back but I didn’t really understand it because at the time education to me was merely “chew”,” pour”, pass and forget. I encountered it in its practical phase in church when a lady appearing like an angel, dressed in an overall fitting white dress had her “river” spill unceremoniously. “Why could not God spare her some 30 minutes to get out of church before the test of her womanhood?” I wondered. Then I realized it is within the package of “femalehood”
           Since then, my desire to be a female vanished faster than I had nursed it. Then I subjected the whole structure of a woman to some sort of scrutiny, and then I realized that being a lady is not as rosy as I thought. Indeed the geography, the curves, the contours and the entire body scape of woman is quiet enticing but problematic. Sometimes I feel too uncomfortable with the way I have to carry the various parts of my body but thinking of a woman and the extra parts and sometimes heavier parts she has to carry, I source some solace. Extra parts mean extra time in the bathroom to reach all angles and corners. Extra and heavier parts mean extra cost to keep these in good shape. The feeling of carrying all this without any direct pay is bad, it is worse when ladies held in cramped places or caught in stuffy places like traffic-held’ tro-tros’ or poorly ventilated places. In such places, the males seize the golden opportunity to poke fun suggesting that it is better to be a boy, they open the top buttons of their shirts in order to let fresh air in before the eyes of these ladies who carry extra flesh strapped to their chest in bras.
          As light as hair may be, it has some amount of weight and has the propensity to cause serious discomfort especially when it’s not your natural hair. I don’t know about you but I would either have nightmares or insomnia if I happen to put on a deceased’s hair like weave-on or wig. However, as a woman you have to come to terms with all of these.
                  Contrary to my previously held perception about  the rosy nature of womanhood, I have resolved that I want to be a man for life and when I die I will like to come back as a man over and over again.Infact it is very burdensome and expensive to be a lady. That is why I chose to come a man.There is a lot more hell of life that women go through in their quest to live their everyday lives as ladies. This is just a tip of an iceberg and I will surely be back on the same topic but mind you I have no mind of disrespect. My name is Mr.P.D Wedam and this is my mind.


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