Thursday 12 March 2015


What my eyes have seen, my iced-mouth is too cold to profess though I intend to confess
It’s hard to believe you too are made of clay yet you live but it’s such a relief that we get fonder and fonder every single day.
And who says coca-cola shape is the finest? Let my empress impress you with her presence and that old fashioned cliché will phase out.
Undoubtedly, I’m in love with the world’s most beautiful.She elegantly stands still, tough and erect with well calculated curves and edges radiating the beauty with which nature has generously ordained her, no doubt she’s built by a creature well-nurtured.
If only she looked in my direction or at least smiled in my way I would be sanctified and if she spoke to me or at least someone close to me, I would be gratified. None of these is likely but I’m satisfied. In fact she neither walks nor talks. All she does is to stalk me. ( in my mind)She’s my obsession and I want her to be my possession.
The irony?
She never came home and may never come; for the home she is in herself she doesn’t even have to. She wears a single smile all the time staring at me in all angles with her seemingly invincible eyes, tempting me to touch and when I touch she doesn’t respond because if she ever gets wet I lose her as a wife for life. And when I talk she doesn’t mind me because she has no mind of her own.
She isn’t mad. She rather is of mud. And I love her for who she is.
For she is an ANTHILL.

I’m in love with Anthills; their artistic architectural design, the synergy and team work that underlie their graceful looks. The Anthill is a proof of the ant’s skill and the ants’ skills give rise to the Anthills.
So what were you thinking? Haven’t I found love?

P.D Wedam 9/03/2015

Monday 25 August 2014


One of the worst moments is to be caught unaware. I mean, caught unaware in a rain. It’s very discomforting, disgusting, disturbing and disconcerting, especially when you’re soaked to the panties and beyond. Woe betides you if you’re a lady and you’re accidently caught in a rain wearing a sanitary pad. Never mind that I can imagine your worst case scenario, I am naturally observant. That just on the lighter side but seriously caught in a rain can be very messy.
I have had the opportunity to observe from a distance and imagine how good it feels like being under an umbrella in a raining weather, when a lady walked pass me in a rain. The feeling was that of comfort, safety, security and gleefulness. In the circumstances that I noticed the importance of the umbrella, I didn’t need any scholar to tell me that the umbrella symbolized protection, security and safety.
Then the situation got me thinking. Thinking about the intrinsic denotation (meanings) that lie in some social activities and the symbolic significance they suggest. “If only that umbrella could protect and shield the lady who walked past me from the discomfort of the rain which entirely messed me up, then the umbrella must indeed be a symbol of protection and security”, I said to myself. “No two ways about that”, I reiterated.
I felt that was not enough to draw a conclusion as that will make it hasty, so I further contested and probed my assertion to ascertain its veracity. This took me back into time, recalling a gruesome and weird experience I had during an extremely sunny day in a long Tubani(northern delicacy) queue. Whereas I was profusely sweating and my bones almost roasting, a lady who stood next to me didn’t show any sign of torture by the scorching sun. Over her head was an umbrella, and then again the blessing of the umbrella was obvious. It provided protection and security against the hardship of the sunny weather.
I had since been whipped into the orientation and mindset that wherever there’s an umbrella, there’s bound to be comfort, safety and security against all odds. Those of us who know the significance of the umbrella would readily choose it over anything else if it’s used to represent an idea (emblem).Perhaps that was the reason for which Ghanaians chose to stand under a colourful umbrella from 7th December 2012 till 7th December 2016 when they will have the opportunity to reconsider that decision. Apparently it was a wiser decision to make considering the comfort, safety and the warmth it promises.
Ironically, everything around us flaws our reasoning, hopes, aspirations, anticipation and of course my personal assertion. Our reasons and motivations for choosing an umbrella have literally been betrayed, so much so that we’re not safe, we’re not secured, we’re not protected, and we’re not comfortable. We’re drenched down to the panties and our bones are burning even under the colourful umbrella. I hope you get what I mean; if not, then you must go and take a course in Ghana emblem studies or “emblemography” of Ghana.
Justifiably, a leaking umbrella loses its usefulness and a stormy weather renders a useful umbrella useless. The situation in which we find ourselves as a country gives me reason to believe that the umbrella is torn between some sort of a disjunctive syllogism;either it's leaking or the weather is stormy.
I still can’t find a place to place the blame. In either case, there can be a way out because all hope isn't lost yet. Granted that the umbrella is leaking then we can mend its leakages. And if it’s the case that the umbrella is facing a stormy weather, then it’s obvious it cannot serve its purpose. In that case the best thing is to try an alternative, perhaps use a rain coat. The worst case scenario which is even way out of the options is for us to have a leaking umbrella in a stormy weather. That would be a hopeless case. I am very positive and I believe that IT’S EITHER THE UMBRELLA IS LEAKING OR THE WEATHER IS STORMY.
If an umbrella fails to protect us from rains and to shield us from sun rays, I wonder if an elephant can.

Saturday 23 August 2014


Inspiration and motivation mustn't always be sourced from “Super humans” or “Super sources”. Ordinary people inspire and motivate us more, because we relate to them more than we do to “Super humans”; that is if there’s any like that. These are very common things that we can find all around us yet people spend a lot searching for inspiration and motivation. Your friends are a reservoir of inspiration if you take a closer look at their approach to life.
Take for instance the life of this young Ghanaian up and coming artiste; what most people would prefer to call an underground artiste. He grew up only to realize that he is in love with music, hip hop music to be précised, and thereafter committed himself to pursue that interest as a vocation.

As a kid in basic school, he was inspired and influenced by the likes of Eminem, 50 cent, Skepta, Tinchy Stryder and other top notched hip hop musicians. He did it for the love of it. 
Going to high school he began to record his own songs, some of which he performed to his school mates and at other external High School events. He is not one of those you could say that his palm kernels are cracked for him by miraculous spirits. If he was ever spoon -fed then it’s obviously not in this respect. He’s faced life squarely and has taken his dreams into his own hands. The zeal, the commitment, the persistence, the consistence, the fortitude and the positive attitude with which he pursues his dreams is what amuses me. He is never intimidated by the fact that the music genre (hip hop/grime) he does isn’t a widespread genre in Ghana. His motivation is that he’s part of that minority that will stage the revolution in the music industry to give hip hop/grime the prominence in deserves. 
What more of inspiration could you possibly be looking for that you can’t find in this guy? Here is a guy with the least support yet gets his name inked wherever he goes. Here is a guy who writes his own songs, directs and edits his own videos. Here is a guy who takes to social media and a few mainstream media to promote and market himself. You may call him the manager, producer and promoter of himself. What else could be more motivating?
I’m talking about a guy whose hard work won him international recognition by way of winning the video of the week on with the music video“life”.(
I’m talking about a guy whose determination got him an interview on  FT radio in the UK by @huntizzy
I’m talking about a guy whose pro-activeness and finesse got him featured on Dj Black Cypher;a Viasat 1 TV show that showcases Ghanaian rap talents.
I’m talking about a guy who is constantly conspicuous on all campus student big stages particularly in Ghana Technology University, University of Professional Studies, University of Ghana,legon etc.
I’m talking about a guy whose dexterity got him a prime time interview on Y campus Xpress on Y fm by Joel.
I’m talking about a guy who is currently working on new tape called the #RedGiant and a couple of videos for it. The list goes on and on…..
SO next time you hear the signature/slogan “ Pwadura in da booth, #rekanizit”, turn up the volume and you’ll understand the kind of person I’m talking about.
I’m talking about PWADURA EMMANUEL. Simply known as PWADURA on stage.
You may like to interact with him on social media on the ff platform; Twitter:@pwadura IG;Pwadura Fb page ; @pwadura 

Monday 4 August 2014

I WISH THEY HAD NO LABELS.Authored by Pius Awennala Atiirimbey

We may not understand the whole process and how things work. But I don’t think we are too dumb enough not to see that, this indeed is a cankerworm that has eaten deep into the very fabric that knits society together. I speak of politics and its consequences on social cohesion and development in Ghana. Ever since Ghana became independent and embraced democracy, it has somewhat enjoyed the ‘benefits’ that come with it. 
We are enjoying a lot of goodies including, an opportunity for citizens to form or join a party/association of their choice, freedom to criticize without being molested or victimized, freedom to ask questions and be provided answers, freedom to battle for positions amongst others. Democracy certainly, has been of immense benefit to Ghana. This too will not mean democracy has not seen bad times. Going by the Aristotelian philosophy, ‘all men are political animals’ we all need families to belong to. 
Traditionally, families are pivotal and give life and meaning to an individual. Notwithstanding all these, being so attached to families has proven to be problematic as it has led to hatred, stunted growth, clashes, and unhealthy competition etc. Ghana has been divided so much that, hardly a moment passes without you hearing differing arguments even on purely national issues. I am not saying do not argue or disagree for Gandhi made us understand that, “an honest disagreement is a good sign of progress”. This means, ‘honesty’ is key if disagreements are to inure to our benefit. Can we say the debates by the various families in Ghana are usually out of honesty? I highly doubt that. 
The-get-power-through-fair/foul-means has derailed many Ghanaians from the path of truth into falsehood. They defend the indefensible, lie, fabricate, mislead and misinform the populace all to their advantage. The two big families (NDC and NPP) being the worst culprits of these acts. The earlier we tame this NDC/NPP canker, the better for Ghana. I have always maintained that, as soon as you join one these and other families, your credibility is affected. You lose the trust and full support of a lot of people. You become just like any other politician who for the-get-power-through-fair/foul-means attitude deceives to succeed. Your analysis on issues is usually seen as subjective especially, when it is against the incumbent party. Even if you speak the truth, your opponents and others would assume that, it’s egoistic but not altruistic. Since you belong to a family, you are most likely to have the spirit (the-get-power-through-fair/foul-means). What can motivate people to trust you again? How can there be a positive change when almost everything is tagged as either coming from this or that family? We are advancing in age but marking time in development or even retrogressing. 
We live in a highly polarized country such that, we have ‘die hard’ supporters of parties but not Ghana. Energies, resources, time, are expended in building fragmented families instead of the biggest united family, Ghana. Our country has grown to be the quintessence of the expression united we stand, divided we fall. Or as in the words of Jesus Christ, “every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand (Matt 12:25). I wish it were not true.
Hmmm, I see you Mr. Elephant, I see you Mr. Umbrella, I see you Mr. Palm tree and others struggling, fighting and racing for power mostly in an unhealthy manner. I wish you could put your differences aside if possible because there are way too many people suffering. I wish you could put heads together and do what’s right for Ghana. That’s why I wished they had no labels because there will be more change with no labels. Nelson Mandela, whenever he addressed his people put his hand (closed-fisted) in the air signifying the benefits of togetherness. The simple truth is that “if you want to go quickly, go alone, if you want to go far go together”. -unknown 
We cannot wait for anytime to make things right; there is no time like the right time. “Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we have been waiting for. We are the change that we seek”. Barak Obama 
I am only one man with a voice to something we’ve got in common, think about it!!!

# Pius Awennala Atiirimbey 2014

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Ladies,is it dishonesty or ignorance?-full piece

Even if at all they will, very few girls will openly admit that they do it for the money. The majority will quickly rebut with colorful reasons why they won’t look out for the money in choosing a partner. They would even opt to give a two-hour unsolicited lecture on the dangers of using money as the standard of choosing a life partner. Vocal as they are in driving home their point, they will use personality profile illustrations, both biblical and historical allusions and weave it all up with an impeccable grammar making you lose sight of the fact that they are playing mere drama.
I have encountered and interacted with variety of ladies at varied levels. Though these ladies differ in terms of age, class, tribe, nationality, religion and in their individual being, they seem to have almost the same opinion. In one of my media and society lectures last semester, the lecturer asked the wonderful congregation of ladies in my class what they look out for in a man before considering him for a life partner. As if the question had leaked a day before the start of the class and as though they had debated the same topic the previous night and have come to a right consensus, their well-rehearsed responses were almost an halleluiah chorus; “I do not mind if the guy has money or not, all I need is that he should be able to take good care of me”.  “What exactly do you mean when you say he should be able to take good care of you?” the lecturer interjected. I would have personally broken the rules in the class to seek clarification if the lecturer failed to ask the follow up question but he did. One after the other the ladies started mentioning the various components of what they meant by “taking good care of me”. He should always be there for me anytime I need him, he should always call me to check on me, he should pay regular visits, he should take me out occasionally, he should have a good character, he should make me feel comfortable, he should have big dreams among others were some of the responses that came from various angles of the class. Apparently, the rest of the class was satisfied with their responses but for me, P D Wedam, I refuse to allow them throw dust into my eyes and here are my reasons. For me, no matter how you look at it, the money is the determining factor and all the responses indirectly hinge on the money. What do you make of these? 
My dear ladies,
You want him to spend much of his time with you, knowing fully well that TIME IS MONEY yet you have the guts to say, ‘I don’t care about the money’? Something must be wrong with you.
You say you don’t necessarily need a guy with money but you only need a guy with big dreams knowing very well that EVERY DREAM HAS A PRICE TO PAY. Are you not aware that the bigger the dreams you want him to have directly correspond to the price you want him to pay?
 If indeed you do not care about the money, why then do you insists that your boyfriend CALLS YOU THREE TIMES EACH DAY just to check on you? Don’t you know the airtime costs money? Don’t raise your eye brows in objection because we know you too well. The fact is, boys call their girlfriends to check on them but girls only call their boyfriends to find out why they have not called. Undisputed!!
part 2
You say the money does not matter, you only need a happy partner but you have so soon forgotten that it’s food that determines the mood of man and manna only fell from heaven just once in man’s history. Thereafter, we fed ourselves by buying and selling and I guess you what that means. Or should I still tell you that food is bought?
You know very well that comfort comes at a high cost yet you claim it is not because of the money but the comfort. Don’t we all know how uncomfortable life is without money, so what then is your point if you say that the money doesn’t matter? Perhaps you need some education.
You say you don’t care about the money yet you just broke up with your ex-boyfriend because he did not BUY A PRESENT FOR YOU ON YOUR BIRTHDAY. I guess you were expecting him to present himself as a present to you? And now, you just gave in to the guy next in the waiting line only after he took you out to have fun on Valentine’s Day but you still have convinced yourself you are not interested in the money.
You said he disgraced you for showing up at your friend’s birthday party in fairly worn-out old-fashioned clothes. What were you thinking, that your boyfriend is a regular benefactor of that charity foundation that gives fashion aids? I wish there was one like that!
If you really don’t care about the money then why did you turn that guy’s proposal down because he has bushy hair, has bad breath and has body odour? Don’t you see that detergents, cosmetics, razors and sanitizers are displayed in shelves of shops with price tags?
Your ex-boyfriend did not roll in the hay (have sex) with you because you argued that it was improper to do it in the room he shares with his younger brothers. You claim it is unsafe to do it at a friend’s place either, and you ceaselessly promise him that you’ll gladly let him in when he gets his own place. Do you need to be told that the country in which you live does not have a free housing policy before you begin to realize it costs a lot of money to own a personal room? And now that he has thrown in the towel out of impatience, it has suddenly become proper and safe for you to be screwed in hotels. Do you know the number of people who share that hotel room and bed?
So next time you admire that guy, no! not that guy, I mean next time you admire me for my looks, character, attitude, brains or whatever it is that attracts you, remember I did not acquire all that by chance; so much investment went into it and it’s obviously not stones but money.
And next time a girl tells you she does not care about the money, pause a moment and think about those who love broth and hate meat. Think about those who love to dream but hate to sleep. Think of the courts that sentence 60-year old criminals to 90 years imprisonment and still ask them to be grateful because it could have been life sentence. Think about the pastor who preaches a promising paradise yet he prays for long life or better still, think of those who want to go to heaven but fear to die and you would understand the ladies better.
I do not intend to initiate a global inter-sex debate, all that I am saying is that, in this day and age nobody ever survives without money. It therefore stands to reason that MONEY IS LIFE, even though to some extent money cannot buy life. But it can buy all the "buyable" things you ladies look out for in your ideal men. #Myleakedthought#2014
#spoken word version under construction#

Ladies,is it dishonesty or ignorance?-2nd episode

You say the money does not matter, you only need a happy partner but you have so soon forgotten that it’s food that determines the mood of man and manna only fell from heaven just once in man’s history. Thereafter, we fed ourselves by buying and selling and I guess you what that means. Or should I still tell you that food is bought?
You know very well that comfort comes at a high cost yet you claim it is not because of the money but the comfort. Don’t we all know how uncomfortable life is without money, so what then is your point if you say that the money does not matter? Perhaps you need some education.
You say you don’t care about the money yet you just broke up with your ex-boyfriend because he did not BUY A PRESENT FOR YOU ON YOUR BIRTHDAY. I guess you were expecting him to present himself as a present to you? And now, you just gave in to the guy next in the waiting line only after he took you out to have fun on Valentine’s Day but you still have convinced yourself you are not interested in the money.
You said he disgraced you for showing up at your friend’s birthday party in fairly worn-out old-fashioned clothes. What were you thinking, that your boyfriend is a regular benefactor of that charity foundation that gives fashion aids? I wish there was one like that!
If you really don’t care about the money then why did you turn that guy’s proposal down because he has bushy hair, has bad breath and has body odour? Don’t you see that detergents, cosmetics, razors and sanitizers are displayed in shelves of shops with price tags?
Your ex-boyfriend did not roll in the hay (have sex) with you because you argued that it was improper to do it in the room he shares with his younger brothers. You claim it is unsafe to do it at a friend’s place either, and you ceaselessly promise him that you’ll gladly let him in when he gets his own place. Do you need to be told that the country in which you live does not have a free housing policy before you begin to realize it costs a lot of money to own a personal room? And now that he has thrown in the towel out of impatience, it has suddenly become proper and safe for you to be screwed in hotels. Do you know the number of people who share that hotel room and bed?
So next time you admire that guy, no! not that guy, I mean next time you admire me for my looks, character, attitude, brains or whatever it is that attracts you, remember I did not acquire all that by chance; so much investment went into it and it’s obviously not stones but money.
And next time a girl tells you she does not care about the money, pause a moment and think about those who love broth and hate meat. Think about those who love to dream but hate to sleep. Think of the courts that sentence 60-year old criminals to 90 years imprisonment and still ask them to be grateful because it could have been life sentence. Think about the pastor who preaches a promising paradise yet he prays for long life or better still, think of those who want to go to heaven but fear to die and you would understand the ladies better.
I do not intend to initiate a global inter-sex debate, all that I am saying is that, in this day and age nobody ever survives without money. It therefore stands to reason that MONEY IS LIFE, even though to some extent money cannot buy life. But it can buy all the "buyable" things you ladies look out for in your ideal men. #Myleakedthought#2014

#spoken word version under construction# 

Ladies,is it dishonesty or ignorance?- 1st Episode

Even if at all they will, very few girls will openly admit that they do it for the money. The majority will quickly rebut with colorful reasons why they won’t look out for the money in choosing a partner. They would even opt to give a two-hour unsolicited lecture on the dangers of using money as the standard of choosing a life partner. Vocal as they are in driving home their point, they will use personality profile illustrations, both biblical and historical allusions and weave it all up with an impeccable grammar making you lose sight of the fact that they are playing mere drama.
I have encountered and interacted with variety of ladies at varied levels. Though these ladies differ in terms of age, class, tribe, nationality, religion and in their individual being, they seem to have almost the same opinion. In one of my media and society lectures last semester, the lecturer asked the wonderful congregation of ladies in my class what they look out for in a man before considering him for a life partner. As if the question had leaked a day before the start of the class and as though they had debated the same topic the previous night and have come to a right consensus, their well-rehearsed responses were almost an halleluiah chorus; “I do not mind if the guy has money or not, all I need is that he should be able to take good care of me”.  “What exactly do you mean when you say he should be able to take good care of you?” the lecturer interjected. I would have personally broken the rules in the class to seek clarification if the lecturer failed to ask the follow up question but he did. One after the other the ladies started mentioning the various components of what they meant by “taking good care of me”. He should always be there for me anytime I need him, he should always call me to check on me, he should pay regular visits, he should take me out occasionally, he should have a good character, he should make me feel comfortable, he should have big dreams among others were some of the responses that came from various angles of the class. Apparently, the rest of the class was satisfied with their responses but for me, P D Wedam, I refuse to allow them throw dust into my eyes and here are my reasons. For me, no matter how you look at it, the money is the determining factor and all the responses indirectly hinge on the money. What do you make of these? 
My dear ladies,
You want him to spend much of his time with you, knowing fully well that TIME IS MONEY yet you have the guts to say, ‘I don’t care about the money’? Something must be wrong with you.
You say you don’t necessarily need a guy with money but you only need a guy with big dreams knowing very well that EVERY DREAM HAS A PRICE TO PAY. Are you not aware that the bigger the dreams you want him to have directly correspond to the price you want him to pay?
 If indeed you do not care about the money, why then do you insists that your boyfriend CALLS YOU THREE TIMES EACH DAY just to check on you? Don’t you know the airtime costs money? Don’t raise your eye brows in objection because I know you too well. The fact is, boys call their girlfriends to check on them but girls only call their boyfriends to find out why they have not called. Undisputed!!...#myleakedthought#2014