Thursday 12 March 2015


What my eyes have seen, my iced-mouth is too cold to profess though I intend to confess
It’s hard to believe you too are made of clay yet you live but it’s such a relief that we get fonder and fonder every single day.
And who says coca-cola shape is the finest? Let my empress impress you with her presence and that old fashioned cliché will phase out.
Undoubtedly, I’m in love with the world’s most beautiful.She elegantly stands still, tough and erect with well calculated curves and edges radiating the beauty with which nature has generously ordained her, no doubt she’s built by a creature well-nurtured.
If only she looked in my direction or at least smiled in my way I would be sanctified and if she spoke to me or at least someone close to me, I would be gratified. None of these is likely but I’m satisfied. In fact she neither walks nor talks. All she does is to stalk me. ( in my mind)She’s my obsession and I want her to be my possession.
The irony?
She never came home and may never come; for the home she is in herself she doesn’t even have to. She wears a single smile all the time staring at me in all angles with her seemingly invincible eyes, tempting me to touch and when I touch she doesn’t respond because if she ever gets wet I lose her as a wife for life. And when I talk she doesn’t mind me because she has no mind of her own.
She isn’t mad. She rather is of mud. And I love her for who she is.
For she is an ANTHILL.

I’m in love with Anthills; their artistic architectural design, the synergy and team work that underlie their graceful looks. The Anthill is a proof of the ant’s skill and the ants’ skills give rise to the Anthills.
So what were you thinking? Haven’t I found love?

P.D Wedam 9/03/2015

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